Monthly Archives: August 2016

The Observer: YOUTH – It’s Our Time

Article Written By: [Ken & Speranza]

The persona in the story is an Intellect Observer.;

It was on a Friday afternoon just after I had been interviewed at a certain prestigious corporate company. The only thing I had in my palm was my mobile phone and some bit of nervousness consuming each thought I had about the outcome of the interview. I had adorned that black suit that I usually reserved for such important days and those pitch black shoes that complemented my outlook as I walked majestically across the town.

The scorching sun and the chilly psychic wind were inflicting their arrogance on me as I paved my way to the ‘matatu’ stage whereby I could board a vehicle that would ferry me to my vicinity. The vendors were busy minding their businesses inside the flocked town. In my escapades, I actually groped under a sweaty woman’s armpit as she shouted explosively in a bid to sell her merchandise.

I approached the matatu station and met a black graffiti matatu that was almost full. I boarded it and walked straight to the back left seat [let me call it a bench; it was not worth the name seat] at the window. I always loved observing as I travelled. I can say that being an observer has made me discover many things in this young world. Moreover, I understand undeniably that the sweetness of traveling is observing. Just when I was approaching the seat, I noticed it had a hole at the center of the worn out cushions. I could not settle myself proportionately. I had to seat at a certain angle making sure not to injure my sciatic nerve in my less adorable gluteal tissue.  Inside the matatu were a whole lot of alarming warning stickers and images of those musicians we here on radios. The tout hang around shouting in tantrums as he hang around like an empty bottle of liquor. The engine started and for whatever reason, I had to stick to my seat until I arrived at my destination.

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Story By: {Ken N Speranza}

||| This is part two of the story |||

(Check out part one here > [ the Unfinished House 1])


She twisted on her bed smiling as she gazed at the ceiling. She had made the first achievement of what her purpose was that day. She felt she had succeeded.  His smile, physique was still fresh on her mind. She again remembered his father’s advice to him and noted that the man was true to his words and that he kept promises. This increased the intensity of attraction towards him. She coiled herself inside the blankets and slept.

She knew that the next meeting on Thursday would be more fantastic than this.

Abby got on her bicycle and rode to town for shopping. She was fond of cycling all the time. she loved it.  While she was going around the town, she came across many people going around their businesses. She was very observative and there is something that caught her eye that reminded her of the guy she had met at the plantation – Cain. She had spotted a couple seated at a restaurant laughing and smiling at each other in a lovely way. This moved her. She halted her bicycle and spent a little bit of her time gazing at them. Her face changed. It reflected the face of a cute little girl who was yearning for something.   Her heart beat much fast. The grip on her bicycle hand bars strengthened. Her teeth clenched together. The adhesive force between the bicycle saddle and her body grew tight. She stood there for a while as she stared straight at the couple who were busy enjoying while having the short meals. she then decided to keep on track. She cycled back home.
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the Inferno: How we torched our school

Our school, under the new management of a principal who did not know how we had been governed all through had become a hell of a place. He introduced an entire set or rules that affected us adversely in his benefits. Obedient and smart boys go to boarding high school and return home as redundant, hard headed and stiff like a rock. They are changed boys and in most cases, to the worst. High school is the one of the places that could make a young man a bad man for the rest of their lives.

#school girl smoking and drinking
It came a time when one student whistled at a lady teacher who had recently been employed inside the school.s She was strikingly beautiful and a spectacle to all the boys in the school.

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Normal thoughts but unique view




Yote ni Vanity. Mungu Mbele. Hio inatosha.